Project Details

West Royalty Elementary: First Project
Contact person: Ken Gaudet
Artist(s) involved: Maurice Bernard
Project Title: Space and Technology
The project consisted of creating of individual paintings by each
student, building scale models of futuristic flying machines, writing
essays on space related topics and putting together a performing arts
production.The students participated in four activities: individualized
painting, scale models, essays and performing arts production.
ArtsSmarts quotes
"The ArtsSmarts project was very fun and I learned a lot about art."
"I have more confidence in my drawing and it’s amazing on how much you can do by using shapes and stuff."
"The project was fun, I liked painting the mural."
"ArtsSmarts program help me learn about art and how to try different painting style like using: paint brushes, toothbrushes, sponges, etc."
"It was fun using the pastels and pencils, and drawing the space station."
"I had a fun experience. I learned a lot about shading. I think we should do it again."
Artist(s) quotes
It is providing an opportunity to bring art into the schools and to try different types of projects. There are many young people who for various reasons do not believe in their abilities as an artist and this project has been able to reach out to many who are surprised at their successes in an art project.
Quotes from parents/teachers
"A great way to learn and to have a hands on experience!"
"Programs like this are vital to the education of elementary school children."
"I think all students should participate in these types of projects, and thus they can learn a lot by learning by doing."
"The students were very proud of their work and were pleased it was on display. They continue to refer to their ArtsSmarts experience and use their new knowledge in our class activities that relate to art (math, science, etc.)."
"It was a wonderful learning experience that showed how art can be a integral part of learning."

Génie Arts Smarts
Open your mind and learn through the arts Teachers and
artist bringing learning to life through culture and the arts.