Project Details

St. Jean Elementary
Contact person: Marilyn Clark, Anne Ives
Artist(s) involved: Terry Dunston Stevenson
Project Title: St. Jean School Reads - Off the page
This project involved the creation of a three-dimensional representation
of a piece of literature. Each grade chose a literary selection based
on a common theme.
The activities are to plan Geometric Seed Designs to create a pattern
that represents symmetry and growth; create Stencil Animal shapes by
sketching templates; mix paint with sand mixture over glued geometric
designs to create Sand Paintings; cut patterns of metallic paper and
glue onto metals pads to create abstract designs that reflect light;
arrange mirrors and crystals on painted boards to make Reflective Light
Mosaics; use a variety of reflective materials to create an Electricity
Mobil to represent the relationship between energy, electricity and
ArtsSmarts quotes
"I thought that when we did the creativity thing that it was really fun but I wish had more time to do it."
"My experience with the ArtsSmarts project was great. It was nice and fun. I hope we do something like it again."
"The ArtsSmarts project was really fun. I learned a lot. Did you see everyone’s work? They’re all great."
"It is very fun."
Quotes from parents/teachers
"My child enjoyed the project a lot. It was a good experience."
"I believe this is a great program for the kids as it helps the children get interested in art and learn first hand art projects."
"I think this is a wonderful program, which should be continued."
"The students showed enthusiasm for their projects and liked the uniqueness of the experience."

Génie Arts Smarts
Open your mind and learn through the arts Teachers and
artist bringing learning to life through culture and the arts.